...gonna live life right. Sipping on Tequila, night after night."
Do you remember that song? Maybe it's too old. You know 'wave' and their song "California"?...*silence*...well that was my theme song for the weekend.
I know this is a very very delayed post, but I'd still like to let you know how my summer went :). School has been bogging me down lately...but I finally caught a breather!
So continuing on...
While everyone was getting ready for long weekend and putting on some red and white, I added the additional colour of BLUE! That's right, I went down to the states. Left on the 30th and came back on July 4th, I was there in time for the American festivities. Although since I was flying out on the 4th I didn't really get to see the fireworks at night. Meh.
So I left work at noon to catch an afternoon flight on the Thursday before Canada Day. I was slightly terrified as I have never been on a flight to the states before. I hear of all these security horror stories, and people breaking their limbs but not being able to pay due to the lack of free health care. Yeah... I was a little uneasy. BUT I made it there safe and sound to San Diego! Dan met and picked me up at the airport. He had 3 other friends with him who were also road tripping across the states and stopped to visit him. We all got into his apartment.
So the weird think about Cali is that there isn't a lot of rain, so having an open inside hallway in a 3 story apartment complex is normal. Yeah... and it's carpeted too.
So he just moved in and didn't have a lot of stuff. Dishes were still packed and stuff, but we made do with things. Dan wanted to show me the night life so we went to this "bar" in the Pacific Beach area. TONS of asians. He then followed to tell me, it's asian night here on Thursdays. It was an okay night. I learned that beer was only $3 for a pint. That's CRAZY!
DAY 2: Wonderful world of Disney!
The next morning was what I was most excited for. DISNEYLAND! *raise the roof!* I've never been and man I couldn't sleep! The drive there was ok. I think Dan was a little cranky I woke him up early. There was also this weird... mist/fog.
It almost completely blocked out the sun. Meh, that wasn't going to ruin my day!
Oh yes, I finally got to ride splash mountain. It's a really creepy ride... some of the toy characters were being roped and strangled... messed up if you ask me.
*OM NOM NOM NOM* Super salty! After a hot long day, we cooled down to the 4th of July Fireworks show.
The streets were lined with tons of people.
They even had star shapes too! We drove home that night and I slept like a baby. I was also sun burnt :(.
Final thought: It's a Small world ride = the worst ride. NEVER EVER EVER again. It really is how the simpsons portray it...creepy...weird stenches coming from the water...and the song that never gets out of your head.
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