Q: Are you scared?
A: Pisssht, of course I am. This is my first "major" surgery and my Family isn't here or my closest friends. I actually will experience this all by myself...But my friend bought me a teddy bear to stay with me in the hospital. That way, I won't actually be alone overnight.
Q: How are you getting there?
A: Well, my surgery is in Banff. First off I'd like to say, Darren, you are a FANTASTIC person. Thank you for taking off the day from work to drive me to the hospital at 6:00 am, for renting a car, and for being there for me so I don't have to go through this alone. You are heaven sent and let me tell you, you are going to be an amazing husband and father one day for having such a great intuition on when to be there and how to care for someone. Sadly, not enough people have this gift. If there's anything you need from me in the future, I'd always be willing to help out :). I'm very very lucky to have you as a friend.
Hero of the Month:

Q: How long till you recover?
A: Not sure. I think I recover quickly from things, but they say 2-4 weeks on crutches. 8 months to a year until a full recovery.
Q: Are you ready?
A: Well, even if I'm not, I need to be, right? I went to T&T (the asian grocery store) and picked up some food to put in the freezer. That way I can grab stuff from the freezer and put it in the microwave. Then voila! Instant meal.
I also purchased a cold therapy unit. It's basically a ice cooler with water connected to a pad that flows the cold water through it. Thus when applied to my inflammed area, will help! A pricey little bugger but people say it's worth it.
Today I went to go see the prothestist. I got my leg measured for a brace...will be received in approximately... 3 weeks. Can't wait till I see my health insurance cheque or my tax cheques. I need it!
My room is currently in the process of being cleaned. Only 3 more loads of laundry!
I bought cleaning & deodourizing wash cloths. I can't shower for 5 days post-op. I'm going to smell. I apiologize for those who will be coming near me.
Q: What will happen with work?
A: No idea. Only time can tell I guess! I won't be working for 2 weeks bare minimum. My surgeon says I may be off for up to 6 weeks. I feel sorry for my employer. On the bright side...."Yeah, I get sick leave!"
Q: Do you regret any thing?
A: Yes, I regret going skiing. Seriously. But I do also regret not having my surgery in Ontario where I could be close to home and family. I feel bad for making them worry. If I die, I'm sorry :(. I know the chance isn't high...but you know... there's still that slim bit. Maybe I am the 1 in 10,000 that die from infection... miss you guys!
If I do survive, when the drugs wear off I'll tell you about my 2-day trip to Edmonton and Jasper, until then...CIAO!
Final Thought: I love you!
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