Thursday, November 25, 2010

The Deep Freeze

Okay... So the weather in Calgary is not the best. Calling it "cold" is an understatement.

Yesterday Calgary was reported as the 2nd coldest place ON EARTH!

Whose number one? The Arctic Circle.

So yeah unfortunately there's no such thing as "Cold-Days" as there were "Snow-Days" when we were kids. So I did have to hull my butt into work. Everyday I've been wearing THICK leggings under my jeans and bundling in layers to keep myself warm. I look like a giant puff. I'm not the most attractively dressed person out there...but I'm warm.

Unbelievable site of the day: I saw some University girls being stupid and only wearing a sweatshirt and a scarf. No snow boots, No gloves, No hat. It's -40*C out!!! Why... why are you NOT wearing a decent winter jacket?!?! She definitely didn't look poor as she listened to her iPOD shivering.

Thought of the day: If you can afford an iPOD you can afford a decent winter jacket. Or pawn it for money to get a decent winter jacket.

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