Wednesday, July 23, 2008

39 days!

So I'm sitting at work right now...procrastinating...surfing the world wide web, when I decided to stumble onto the orientation website ( then I saw the timer on the left hand side... and was totally blown away by the digits appearing in front of me.


So what's going through my head?

Stress : so much to do in so little time ( Leader profiles on the website for the first years to view, monitoring the Orientation Leader Forum , and finalizing some of the events for O-week!)

"Oh Diana, don't worry so much! Things will turn out fine", says my roommate.
FINE ?!!??? I don't want to settle for fine! This is Orientation week! If I don't do more than "fine" then over 1000 science students will be unimpressed & disappointed. Think about THAT on your conscience.

So, some may be asking themselves "Diana, how can we help?"
Answer: You can!

Your job is easy, watch some youtube videos in your spare time. Callista, Shefali, and Adam worked really hard to make these really corny orientation week videos for you.

Let me explain some more, there will approximately be over 800 first year science students. There's only about ~175 science orientation leaders to look after you guys... so we typically break you down into teams (~100 students per team, ~20 leaders per team).

Every year orientation week has a theme:
2005 Clash of the Minds (team names revolving around people who've impacted science, eg: Bohr's Atoms, Einstein's Energy, etc)
2006 Mad Science (team names revolving around what happens when science goes wrong! eg: Radical Reaction, Chaotic Collisions, etc.)
2007 Science Unlimited: Science of the Future (team names revolving around ...well, science in the future...what's left/ what's taken over the world. Eg: Geothermal Giants, Chaotic Clones, etc.)

SoOoOo.... this year's theme is :

Science Fiction: Double Feature!

Team names/ Team colours are as followed:

Accelerating Androids (orange)
Bionic Bivalves (blue)
Xenobiotic Zombies (pink)
Sulfuric Sponges (yellow)
Igneous Invaders (brown)
Volatile Vampyres (purple)
Mitotic Martians (green)
Toxic Tomatoes (red)

So, essentially during the week we'd like you to dress & deck out in your team colours. I know we will be! Back in the day when I was on the pink team I had a pink zebra cowgirl hat lol. It was spiffy.

But unfortunately you won't find out your team colour until you're here at the beginning of O-week. BUT, maybe try to bring something of each colour that you could wear during the week? Like a hat, a bandanna, socks? You will be getting a T-shirt with your team name & colour on it and the more you wear that shirt, the more points you'll get so that you & your team can win the TROPHY!!!

That's right, it will be legend...wait for it...I hope your not lactose intolerant...dary!

I'll give you more updates on what you should do/ how to possibly prep for O week in august. But in the mean time, yeah watch the youtube videos (there's 9 of them) which are linked at the bottom of this blog. Do it!

First off, leaders... if you live close and have a fair sized yard, PLEASE For the love of noodles, volunteer your home for the superly awesome Spag Dinnah! Honestly... if you're holding out your close home (within <20 mins walk), you'll eventually be the ones suffering. Think of it this way. You have to walk there (early) and then set up, barely have time to eat, then jet back to campus to prep for Luau!

Lemme break it down for you some more into a simplistic equation: Long walk to house
huge day of programming
lack there of time to eat
+ LUAU! .
= *cross bones*

your name, program + year, "Ask Me about..." AND if you were NOT at the science retreat (July13) send a photo of you in. Something where we can visibly see your face.

Anyways... that is all for now!

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