Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Hey guys!

Profiles are up! Curious about who your leaders are and what they are like? Have any questions you'd like to ask them come September? Look at their profiles and check out their "ask me" sections. Some range from random strange events which have happened in their life to normal everyday school related questions! Don't be afraid to talk to us FOCzilla too! We're really nice! (despite our intimidating name).

As well, starting this week until the week of Orientation, we will be releasing short (yet epic) event clips to give you more of an idea of what Science Orientation week is like! Here is the first! SCIENCE OLYMPICS! (it's no Beijing Olympics, it's better!)

The science Olympics happens on Tuesday in the afternoon. This is an event where your team competes against the other 7 teams to win points. And that right, these points will get you closer to...*dum dum dum* the trophy! Trust me, it's big!

Keep your eyes peeled next week for the next EPIC science event. It's scheduled for it's release Monday August 4th! Coming to a computer screen near you!

Till then, Ciao!

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