I've started work again. I've got mixed feelings about that.
A) I was starting to get really bored at home - so it's good that I'm now "busy" doing something
B) I feel so exhausted nowadays. It's not too too bad in the mornings, but after a while, it really plays a toll on you. My one leg (the good one) starts to hurt, and then the bad leg isn't getting enough bending/range of motion, thus then it stiffens. Also I'm told I need to get a better knee brace. It'll cost me $1600... and insurance only covers about 70% of it. *Sigh*
BAH. There is some good news. I was told by my doctor last time that it would've been a while before I saw one of the Banff Ortho-surgeons. Like 2-3 months before I got a phone call to set up an initial assessment. BUT luckily, they called me just less than 2 weeks after the referral was sent through and I have an appointment to see one of the 3 doctors this Tuesday! So I guess I'll find out soon if I can get me an appointment :S, fingers crossed that it's before September (for many reasons - some of you know and some of you don't, but I will disclose it another time. I just don't want to post it on my blog yet, ya know? So for those who know what I'm talking about. Hush!).
So in the mean time, since my last post I've gone to BC and back for a weekend. Just past the boarders of Alberta, is a quaint little place named Emerald Lake, BC. I found a deal on the internet to stay at this resort/hotel there for the weekend. It's awesome. The drive there was great too!
This place is very remote. From the main highway you need to drive about 15 minutes into the forest on this winding road. This place doesn't have any internet connection, barely any cellphone reception. Very pristine. Emerald Lake is located in the Yoho National park in BC.
It's so remote that there's a parking lot located a could of kilometers away where you'd park your car overnight, and then you call a shuttle to pick you up and drop you off at the hotel area. The hotel rooms were little cabins which faced the mountains or the lake (which I hear in the summer are gorgeous).
There's an outdoor hot tub (gorgeous when it was snowing), and every room was equip with a real wood fireplace. I was proud of my self. I started my own fire! It was great. We came prepared and brought marshmallows to roast :) Deeeeeeeelicious!
Taking advantage of the nature, I was hoping that me and my friend would go hiking (yes, hiking - the doctor said I could use pain as my guiding judgment for when to quit) around the lake, but most of the trails were for cross country skiing (something I totally wanted to learn/try before I busted my leg). Also the only hiking trail was told to be blocked off due to an avalanche that happened a month earlier. Spring-ish is the worst time for avalanches. They said it sounded like a train when it happened. I guess I'll just have to wait till it's summer. The hotel was really pretty with many nice locations. I think that one weekend there were 2-3 wedding parties there. Intense!
As you can see, I did get some pictures thought, but mostly everything was snow covered or frozen over.
In the morning, we went to go grab breakfast in Field, BC. That's about a 15 minute drive from the Lake. Along the way we stopped to try and find more hiking trails, but no luck. Everything was for cross country skiers. Blegh! We did manage to find a natural bridge formation. Basically there were these giant hunks of rocks that were pushed together by the earth's movements, and water used to fall from it. But, over time the water corroded the bottom and created an alternate flow path. Now there's this natural bridge. This is what it would look like in the summer (http://www.pbase.com/dennisalbum/image/44621421). But I got to see it like this.
The CP rail runs through here too! It actually even runs through the mountains. Usually in the summer they have these "look outs" open for people to watch for the trains entering in these tunnels that go through these giant rocky mountains. Sometimes if the trains are long enough, they say you can even see parts of the train entering and exiting the mountain. These are LONG trains.
When we got to Field, BC we actually have to cross the train tracks in order to get into town. We were starving and hoping to grab food at a place where my friend recommended. We got there when a train happened to be going by. We waited very patiently... for about 10 minutes. On the other side of the tracks there was an ambulance with it's lights flashing trying to get out of the town too! Finally after 15mins we start to see the end of the train, BUT as luck would have it ANOTHER train coming from the opposite direction was pulling in. We just said screw it, lets just drive another 1-2 hours until we get to Canmore, AB and snack on random stuff in the car in the meantime. I was not willing to wait there for another 30mins.
Once we got to Canmore, we drove around in search of "Spray Lakes" but we had to drive by a lot of avalanche zones, so we turned back. However, in the process we saw some nice things.
Final Thought: So... if my boss knows that I will require surgery, do you think he will let me go since I will need to take sick leave? Does that happen?
also, AR you are the cutest! Thanks for the toast :) For those who want a good french toast recipe go to http://farmeggs.wordpress.com