(End of 1st period show, where there's the minature hockey team trying to score)
So besides working this week, one of my friends was able to get me a free ticket to watch the Hitmen. I know what you're thinking, "what the heck is that?" Well I thought it was a ticket to the screening of some sort of action movie, BUT it's actually tickets to Calgary's major junior hockey team. It's the equivalent to Toronto's Marlies. The team's name was inspired by a local professional wrestler, Bret "the hitman" Hart. So since it was free, I thought to myself, "Well, it's not like I have anything else to do on a Tuesday, and it gives me a chance to see the Saddledome." Also, the word "Free" can make anything appealing.
The game itself wasn't THAT amazing. Their rival for the night was the Saskatoon Blades. In the end, the blades won 8 to 4.
There was this one girl, about maybe 10yro, with dreadlocks and dog tags around her neck. During the breaks between the periods they would do a "dance cam" and zoom the camera on people dancing. The best dancer won free food vouchers or something. But every time it would zoom in on this kid I got freaked out because she would do this sort of "krumping" dance on the stairs and it looked like she was going to trip on the stairs every time. BUT I think the funniest part was watching their mascot, "Farley the Fox" being attacked by a 8 yro boy.
The fox got so fed up but couldn't catch the kid in time so eventually started throwing popcorn at the kid. I know, mature.
So yesterday I went snowshoeing in Bragg Creek, which is about 45mins SW of Calgary. It's a small little town that has some nice outdoor trails for cross country skiing and snowshoeing. So at first I wanted to do it because it was out in the woods, and not really for the sport. But after yesterday, I REALLY like it. It's like the winter version of hiking, and I love to hike. First off, Calgary and the surrounding areas got dumped with a bunch of snow over night. Lets just say the 2*C weather with sun that I originally planned for did NOT happen. Instead it felt like -15*C. Getting to Bragg Creek was a challenge too! All the snow on the roads caused everyone in Calgary to slip and slide. It was treacherous trying to drive. Luckily, we made it there alive. I actually don't own a pair of snow pants myself and my roomie actually lent me his. Luckily he did because I stayed nice and toasty warm. Really, the only part of my body that occasionally went numb were my thumbs. I was wearing 2 pairs of mittens and in my main 4 fingers compartment I had hand warmers to keep cozy. The only part of me that did successfully freeze was my hair. It was really close to my mouth so every time I exhaled, the water vapour would settle on it and freeze.
It was a really great trail. There were some steep parts, but the metal spikes on my snowshoes helped to keep me from sliding too much. Also the trees here are really tall and they helped in sheltering us from the winds. The people I went with were great too. There was a couple where the wife actually was born and raised in Oshawa, and she also went to the same high school as me too! Small world.
Here are some pictures of the trail. I didn't take my SLR as it was way too cold, but I still managed to get some decent pictures with my point and shoot.
This is what we saw at the top of the peak. It was clear of a bit, but in the time frame of 5 seconds that it took my frozen fingers to grab the camera, it covered the view of the distant mountains :(.
The tour guides also took their dog Roger for the hike too. This little guy had so much energy, it was unbelievable!
Even at the top he needed some rest.
The tour itself was awesome. I learned a lot in terms of the trees and shrubs around me. There's certain plants like 'wintergreens' that can help stop bleeding. Poplar trees can help determine the direction of south when you're lost. They tend to produce this powder, which is a natural SPF to help protect you from the sun. They produce more of it on the south side (not sure why).
Oh this next part made me feel awesome. I learned how to build a fire without fire wood and a lighter or matches. I used an piece of metal from an ignition steel fire starter, and a knife. I rubbed the two together near some lint and then BAM!
I said let there be fire! It actually took about 3 minutes to light, and only lasted about 5 seconds...then it went out. BUT it had potential to burn for at least 30 mins - the trick is adding vaseline to the lint. The tour guides gave us a few snacks too. I was able to have some cookies, granola bars, fruit snacks, and even hot chocolate. Overall it was a great workout and really awesome to learn some of these things. I'd totally do it again. I was actually looking at getting my own pair of snowshoes:)
Final thought:
I can't wait to try cross-country skiing. These outdoor activities make it all a little better being here.
Note: Chinese New Year is just a few days away!!! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkk! Excitement!!!